The Dangers of Electrical Outlets: Can They Be Fatal?

Uncover the often overlooked dangers of electrical outlets. Despite their common use, these unassuming devices carry inherent risks. Gain insights into the potential lethality of electrical shock, explore real-life incidents, and uncover actionable safety measures essential for your protection.

Electric Shock vs. Electrocution: Understanding the Differences

In our modern world, electricity powers our lives but comes with risks: electric shock and electrocution. Though often confused, they signify different outcomes of contact with electrical energy. Dive into their distinctions, factors influencing their severity, and the significance of safety precautions.

Why Do We Bond at the Service Panel and Not a Subpanel?

An important question was raised by one of our viewers. Why do we bond at the Service Panel and not at the sub panels? Check out our article and watch the YouTube video were Dustin explains the significance of this practice.